Day 32: Celebrating milestones
We've just gone for full blood counts. Mine are still short of hitting the regular red blood intervals but I'm the least of everyone's concerns.
Nigel's white blood cell counts have fallen, but we're seeing an increase in the red blood cell and platelet counts. He'll have once/ twice weekly outpatient appointments for blood checks/ reviews/ transfusions will Day 100.
There'll be another chimerism test somewhere in there. And we hold our breaths for Day 180 where we've been cautioned of Graft vs Host Disease. His recovery process of a five year time period will be a long (graph) road ahead.
And we remember to celebrate milestones.
Today is 2 days belated celebrations for his first month counting from his new birthday.
Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and walking us through this journey together. We've prayed for provision and miracles and our prayers are answered day by day.
We're richly loved and greatly blessed. (:
In His love and ours,
Brenda & Nigel
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