Day 22: The Taboo Challenge
What's Taboo? To anyone with aplastic anemia, there's a lot that's taboo. And that's actually come in handy for our Taboo Challenge. We're breezing through the deck with so many words that've now become easypeasylemonsqueezy when put into context.
You need stem ___?
Your head is now ___?
If you're filling in these words as quickly as Nigel is, thanks loads for keeping up with us! And if you're visiting, feel free to pick up the deck and keep going with him (: We cleared almost 40 tonight even amidst the flurry of evening activity.
So the other big thing that's taboo is really the cell counts and it's ironic how we're talking about them all the time. And I'm glad that today is not one of the days when it's taboo to talk about it aloud. We're looking at 0.18 today. Praise God! And we're hoping that it will continue to climb exponentially without any more G-CSF jabs needed. Just did my research today and these jabs which stimulate the bone marrow to make white blood cells actually cause bone pain that does not respond to painkillers.
Please pray that Nigel doesn't suffer too much of the side effects. He's feeling a little bit of the pain already. And also for the other cell counts to start rising. He had a red blood transfusion today because his hemoglobin levels were too low. He's still nursing a fever today at 38.5 degrees Celsius last check. This will deplete his recently transfused platelets and there's probably another transfusion for this due tomorrow. :(
Gentle reminder to be sensitive if you're visiting though. If he's tired, do tell him to rest up. He's always so accommodating- even when his energy levels run low, he'd fight hard to stay awake or sit up if he can when he has visitors.
I'm different though. I'm not a visitor.
I'm just a sister.
He's had a lot of practice in his lifetime and has no problems ignoring my presence. :p
If you're asking how you'd be able to tell?
Visibly obvious double eyelids are a sure sign of tiredness for him.
Don't tell him I told you. ;)
Thanks for coming and visiting.
We appreciate every single one of you who've taken time out to drop in on him.
But the nurses have reminded us to keep to a maximum of two if possible at any one time.
He's covering his mouth and nose with his blanket (very subtly (:) because he's also a little worried about bacterial or viral infections from his visitors.
In His love and ours,
Brenda & Nigel
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